Friday 1 July 2011

...Being You...

The thing about understanding someone is that you have to completely put yourself in their shoes.
How can you hope to understand what a person’s thoughts and feelings are if you won’t understand and recognize their situation .
When trying to get to know someone and to fully understand them, I try to completely immerse myself in what that persons thoughts and feelings may be…
I imagine what my reactions and feelings would be should I have been the one in that situation.
I’m not saying this works all the time,as of course everyone is different but sometimes if you focus on the reasons why someone does something you can better understand them and their reasoning.
When I write about certain subjects or issues I place myself in that role I imagine what I would have felt or done had I been faced or suffered whatever I write about, be it loss , pain , love , parenting etc…
I put myself in others shoes to better learn the route they are taking and why...
It helps me to understand a person and to empathize with their feelings.
As if I could say –“I know you coz I’ve been where you’ve been, felt what you feel.” But in reality I’m only feeling what they feel and imagining myself in their situation…   
All  I’m doing is trying to be you for a moment to better know you for a lifetime.. 

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