Thursday 11 August 2011


An Angel broke my heart
He Tore it from my very soul
Weakened me and allowed the dark within
Letting it consume me.
He Destroyed the fragility of my love
And belittled my trust.
An Angel broke my heart
But I mended it anyway.

Wednesday 3 August 2011


I'm tortured and struggling.
I feel as if I want to rip out my hair
Everyday the need within me grows
Till I feel consumed by it
Like a growing flame ....
It ignites deep inside
Spreading so swiftly....
There's no place for me to hide
My own Mind is no longer safe.
The echoes in my Mind
Are so loud....
I'm adrift in a sea of agony
They reverberate throughout me like tortured screams of pain.
A cacophony of sorrow
So constant I'm unsure of when my own Screams joined the fray.
I'm drowning.....
Sinking into the murky depths..
Of a Paralyzing struggle for my very Soul!
I am in a torture chamber within my Mind
Only there is no hope for Release,No Reprieve
There Is only Me.

..In My Mind..

Thoughts plague my mind
Keepin the mercy of sleep from my reach.
I feel torn into pieces by the thoughts running through my head
As if their very presence causes me pain
And in truth they do.
I am unable to function,unable to even breath...
The feelin of Hysteria lies close to the surface
My very skin feels stretched and taut by the thoughts in my head
As if its all that lies between them and release..
My hair lies heavy on my scalp
And the urge to tear it off teases me painfully
This is torture
I am being tortured by my own mind
And all that it conceives...
I am a prisoner In my Body,In my Head,In my very Soul..