Tuesday 15 November 2011

Mostly My Way.

So here's the truth...
Although we're expected to deny it.
Of course we want things our own way!!
Who wouldn't??
Yes,yes we all sprout that jazz about,
how its however you like it...
But in all honesty,
what we're really hoping..
is that it'll be exactly the way we want it!
We'll deny it of course
and perhaps to a certain extent we'll mean it
but in all honesty
of course we wish the world would do exactly what we say!!
Thats not to say we wont do it your way..
Coz we will!
And we'll probably keep quiet while doing so..
But please people,,enough with the delusions!!
Of course we all want everything our way
Its part of our human nature
We all have it
only the naive still deny it
So yes I want everything my way
so Sue me....
But if I must,,
I'll do it your way..
Sometimes simply just because you're you.

Who is Me??

It changed me ...
Of course it did...
How could it not??
I am not the me that was before
perhaps I'm not really even me anymore...
Who truly knows the truth??
Who knows what decisions lead where
and how emptiness and pain affect us everywhere.
I don't presume to know it all!
how could I
when I barely know me anymore..??
I am lost in thoughts
in feelings
I am lost to me
does hope remain??
I am me,

but is this me who I really am?
Who is me...

Tuesday 8 November 2011

In Life all we Have are Our Hopes and Dreams
And the Strength of Our Determination...