Friday 20 January 2012

Not Personal*

Did you know that there's this completely untrue fabled myth that not everything is personal...
Some idiots really expect you to believe that...
Really expect you to accept all that goes on simply with the understanding that its not personal...
Well here's an unknown newsflash-It sure as hell is!!
Of course it's personal!! how can it not be??
Anything relating to a person is personal,anything that effects a person emotionally is personal!
That whole not personal hogwash is just that-complete and utter hogwash!!

Do you really wanna know what's worse than being told somethings not personal,,having that same idiot who told you that completely miss the fact that to you it is.

and yes one can say they didnt mean for things to get personal..
but how can they claim not to understand that once something affects your emotions-to you it's very personal!

So here's my advice,,
The next time someone tells you that whatever they did wasn't personal and to you it was..
Well then i want you..
To smack them in the face!!
Yes that's right I said it,,Smack them in the Face!!
and while you at it you might as well kick their legs.
No seriously smack and kick them!
Then maybe next time they won't be so quick to say somethings not personal when it really is and maybe the physical attack will let them feel exactly how one feels when a "not" personal something happens.

Because when it's personal and it so often is ..
Well it hurts!
And one might as well not hurt alone ;)

So Happy Smackings Everyone :)

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